Latupirtti is located in Hautala village in Valeala, on the northern side of Lappalanjärvi, the address is Hautalantie 250. The journey from Kouvola to Valkeala is about 15 km. From Valkeala church it is about 5 km.
Driving directions from Kouvola: Turn off national road 15 at Valkeala ABC towards Valkeala (Vuohijärventie). Continue through the village on Vuohijärventietä for approx. 3 km. turn left onto Hautalantielle and continue for approx. 2.4 km. You will find Latupirtti on the left.
On Tuesdays, Latupirtti is reserved for members. The key is available from cabin host Meeri Kujala.
Latupirtti can be rented for family parties, etc. at a reasonable rate. Members can rent the whole area for a very low fee. For non-members, the rate is slightly higher, but still reasonable. For information, contact host Meeri Kujala, kujala.meerilatu@gmail.com, tel. 040 558 6034. A dance stage can also be arranged.
Frisbeegolf track at Latupirtti
Suitable for beginners and experienced players.
The track has 4 tees, at different inclinations. The tee lengths are between 20 – 40 m. All tees are Par 3. The designer of the track is Eero Elo.
At Latupirtti there is a vollyball court and net for those interested and on Tuesdays in June, July, and August we can arrange matches and of course sauna.
Latupirtti rental/day
Members | Non-members | |
Latupirtti | €60 | €90 |
Latupirtti + sauna | €80 | €140 |
Latupirtti + sauna + grill house | €80 | €150 |
Latupirtti + grill house | — | €120 |
Grill house | €45 | €65 |
Outdoor dancefloor assembly | €150 | €250 |