Would you like to be a guide for childrens activities?
We off the possiblity for working with pairs of children on different courses. Being an assistant guide is not demanding, when you bring a happy attitude along. To work as a guide we will of course train you at Suomen Latu courses, there is a course a committment from you to guide activities as needed. If you are interested in our activities and participating in guiding contact:
– Mörrit: simpanenm@gmail.com or tel. 044 987 3473
– Moomin outdoors and ski courses: kujala.meerilatu@gmail.com or tel. 040 558 6034

Haanoja area
- Sat-Sun 25.- 26.01.2025 from 12.00–13.30
- Sat-Sun 01.- 02.02.2025 from 12.00–13.30
Moomin ski-school for children from 5 years of age. Conducted in 4 parts, going through the basics of skiing and various techniques for ski-games. There will be breaks and warm juice. Older skiiers can ski longer routes.
- Moomin trolls n. 5-6 y, have started skiing already
- Sniff n. 5-8 y, have control of the basics
- Retkihemulit (violet) approx. 6-10 y, have participated previously and are in control of the basics of skiing, this will happen if there are at least 5 participants.
NOTE: Dress warmly. Maximum participants approx. 25. Everyone receives a certificate (partipation at least 2 times). Temp. limit is -15 °C. Free of charge for Latu members, non-members 15 €/child.
We need helpers and trainers. If you are interested you are welcome to join us!
Moomin family ski-school Haanoja area
Starting from 2 years of age with a responsible adult. Games and activities to introduce children to the world of skiing.The Moomin family ski-school has a lot to give also to parents and chldren with special needs. NOTE: Adults also need their skis!
No pre-registration needed. Temp. limit is -15 °C. Dress warmly.
More information: kujala.meerilatu@gmail.com/tel 040 558 6034/Meeri
Perhemörri’s aim is to get the whole family interested in the nature of the local forest, through games, songs and all kinds of fun together.