Membership info

Kouvola Latu membership is an affordable route to valuable member benefits, physical activities and outdoor events for families and children. It also encourages regular promotion of their own and community well-being. Sign up now to become a member of Kouvola Latu. Membership of the association is welcome for people of all ages for enjoyable company, different types of outdoor activities and sports, as well as hiking interest. Latu activities welcome also children, young people and adults interested in the activities of guidance. As a member of Kouvola Latu you will also get LATU&POLKU magazine, six times a year, also the Kouvola Latu magazine Laturi, as well as many other active benefits. Kouvola Latu members automatically receive membership of Suomen Latu.

As a member of Kouvola Latu you can rent the association’s sports and camping equipment cheaply or you can hire for your own use the picturesque sauna cabin, Latupirtti, in Valkeala at a low member price or, as a member of Suomen Latu rent Ylläs Manor accommodation in Lapland. Also, our Latu partners grant discounts for members. For children, young people and adults there are supervised activities. Metsämörrit spends a lot of time with nature, and geocaching is a fun family physical activity. Latu members go cycling, canoeing, walking, and hiking, as well as visiting Lapland. Interested?

You can join Kouvolan Latu here or by contacting our membership secretary: Oskari Lahti, 050 467 5906,

Membership fees 2025

– Family membership €44 inc. Latu&Polku magazine and two membership cards

– Individual membership €34 inc. Latu&Polku magazine and membership card

– Joint membership (membership of another Latu organisation) €17 inc. membership card

– Youth (under 20 y) and student membership (under 29 y) €17 inc. Latu&Polku magazine and membership card

Hey godparents, friends, colleagues, grandparents – give a gift membership!

What if this time you gave a gift of a feeling and lively summer and winter? Kouvola Latu membership is a surprising and wonderful gift, which can be for the nature and outdoors or make a loved one your new sports and hiking partner each year. Membership can also be given for the whole family. Check out all of our activites. Tip: gift vouchers could be given for example slipped into a vest with the Kouvola Latu logo!

Order a membership here